Thursday, January 16, 2014

President Morsi Removed in Egypt

1 comment:

  1. Wyatt Robinson1/24/2014

    Feb. 13
    I see a man arguing to continue protesting in Tahrir Square. The man is so engaged in his protest that he has the courage to confront a police officer. The man is very tense looking and he looks very upset, he wants his rights. He wants his way and will go to extremes to get it. The man is protesting when an officer comes along and tells him to leave. But, he does not want to leave, so he gets into an angry fight with the police man. The other people are trying to stop him from causing a commotion. The demonstration is getting out of hand in the square; the man wants power to overrule the police officer. The Officer seems overwhelmed by all of the protesting.
    I wonder if doing something like that to an official in Egypt could get you sent to jail, could this man get into serious trouble. I wonder what the other people standing around him are thinking, are they scared, terrified, outraged; the protests are starting to get intense.
