Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Zabbia Ancient Egypt Daily Life Journal

Please post in your homeroom! Zabbia Ancient Egypt Daily Life Journal
Task: Write a journal as if you are an ancient Egyptian. Show what you have learned through your research about the culture and daily life of ancient Egyptians. Please post your entries here so that I can read and make comments. Remember to edit and save your work on Word and on a flashdrive. Bring the flashdrive to school each day.
Remember that your journals should be written in the first person (from your character's point of view), and also that your character's social position should influence the journal writing.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Peterson Ancient Egypt Daily Life Journal #1

Peterson Ancient Egypt Daily Life Journal


Write Journal entry # 1 as if you are an ancient Egyptian. Show what you have learned through your research about the culture and daily life of ancient Egyptians.

Remember to:

  • start with your real name and your Egyptian name

  • write your journal in the first person (from your character's point of view)

  • make sure your character's social position is clear in your writing

  • include lots of setting description

  • describe daily cultural events from your character's life

  • save all work to your flashdrive and bring it with you each day

  • edit and save all of your work in Word and also to your flashdrive

  • check that your writing is crystal clear.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Book Response Choices

Title (underline the title) and author
Start with a text quote from the story (one sentence)
Sign your real name to your blog

  • Write about how the character changes over the course of the story or series. Tell what happens to make him change.

  • Describe the character's problem or struggle and how he resolves it.

  • Describe the event (or other character) that most changes or affects the character.

  • Describe a part where the authors "whispers something into your ear."

  • Tell about a part where the author reveals something important or mysterious about the charcter or plot.

  • Write what you have learned or what you are thinking about this book.

  • Describe the theme or message.

  • Why do you think the author wrote this book - what's the point?

  • Write about how the setting brings the story to life. Describe what you envisioned as you read.

  • Tell us what you wondered or puzzled about.

  • Write about a part that really surprised or confused you - a part that made you say, "Wow!"

  • Write about the ending -did it make sense to you? What is another possible way for the story to end?